I enjoy spending time with my Sunday School kids who constantly teach me new lessons. Today, one is worth sharing.
There is a particularly unique young boy in class who is overactive and cannot seem to just sit straight. I never lose my cool with any of them but his behavior in class was over the line and I got very upset. I looked at him and told him "your behavior today is unacceptable", usually he doesn't respond or ignores it. However, today, infront of the whole class he got up and came to give me a hug.
Truth is, this kid repaid me with love when I was clearly upset with him... my heart melted immediately.
Generally, when people yell at us or embarrass us, we get MAD, emotional and never forget it. We begin viewing them differently... through tainted shades of hatred and despise. When we see them or are in the same room together, our hearts get stuck in our throats and our blood pressure sky rockets. This young boy didn't retaliate and didn't even say a word, he calmly got up and gave me a hug.
They say actions speak louder than words, today I finally understood this concept. Sometimes we have bad days, and maybe these days accumulate and we channel our anger on people who don't deserve it. But, a simple action could change everything. A simple hug, a pat on the shoulder, a smile or a kind word can change someone's day.
We all know someone who has angered us, wronged us, took advantage of us or pursued us but what's the point of living the years of our lives harboring this hate? What have we really accomplished? Nothing.... Let it all go, smile and move on.
The lesson I was teaching became irrelevant, because the lesson I learned was worth so much more. In life, be apologetic, accepting, loving and forgiving.
Matthew 18:4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
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