I’ve played the role of the super hero for too long and have realized that the ones that I’m trying to save are the feet stepping on my cape. Yes, for so long I’ve loved unconditionally, unlimitedly, with no cost or maintenance charges, completely tax free; only to realize that the ones I hold closest to my heart are treating my coins of love as useless spare change. As pennies, dull, aged and almost irrelevant, tossed on the ground to be stepped on and forgotten.
Have you not heard the saying "a dull aged penny is sufficient in the day of trouble", but truly, familiarity breeds contempt. This has taught me a priceless lesson, do Good for good and do not expect to be thanked in return. Look at the palm of your hand and examine the fine lines that run from east to west and the indentations that define your unique fingerprints. Are these prints what make us significant? Do they only function by differentiating a criminal from another? So how do we define goodness or love? Do it arise naturally or is it learned? Perhaps it's embedded in between the hydrogen bonded double helical structure in our DNA?
Love is learned. Love requires selflessness, to put one's needs before your own. Love is pure, free from the contamination of contempt. Love is finding joy in even the most of stressful and darkest of moments.
“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you…” (Matthew 5:44).
When those who have hurt me gave me every reason to be angry, Christianity taught me otherwise.In my heart remains a mark, a year, a memory, a struggle and yet a victory of how I carried on.
They often say, love the life you live and live the life you love. Do not let anyone hinder you from living the life you love and reaching your full happiness. Just forgive.

So be fragrant when crushed.
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