The hands that carried me over roaring waters, I tightly bound like a thief. The back that lifted away my many burdens, I whipped. The feet that walked miles and miles in search for me, the lost sheep, I hammered unto the cross. The mouth that taught me love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithful and self control, I fed sour wine. The head that was consumed with nothing but thoughts of me, I placed a crown of thorns on. The heart that beat rhythmically for my sake, I silenced. When my heart was hardened as I pierced your side, you cried for my sake... tears of pain, and yet tears of salvation.
When I close my eyes and envision You Lord, I am reminded of your pain and suffering on the cross. I, your most favored creation returned your loving kindness with bitter hate. With carelessness I crucified my savior, and with negligence I felt no remorse. Yet Your heart was overflowing with love. You prayed for my sake "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" and created an excuse on my behalf.
Dear Lord, help me to do the same. Help me to love unconditionally, without expecting much in return. Help my heart to overflow with love so pure and so genuine. Allow me to create excuses for those who have wronged me, forgive them that hurt me, and love those who have hated me... just as you have done the same for me.
Above all, help me to involve You more in my life, in all my choices, decisions, tasks, and all that I do, that Your name may be glorified. As a potter, mold me in your likeness and as My creator, keep me from harm's way. As my father, provide for me only that the will benefit me and as my God, strengthen me in times of weakness and forgive my sins. Through Your pain and suffering, I was given a new beginning, and through Your death, I was given a new life. Help me to live accordingly, as this is not my own life to live.
Ekhristos Anesti, Alithos Anesti
Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen!
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