Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cannot be Destroyed

          You alertly rise in the morning as your alarm clock bursts into tunes of nuisance noises and irritating melodies. It’s now time to start your early morning routine rituals. You brush your teeth, comb your hair, get dressed and you’re on your way to doing exactly what you did yesterday.  You stare at your watch constantly hoping for lunch time, you then eat, work, and drive home. There, you have dinner, reply to last minute emails, watch some TV, and end up in bed asleep. The very next day, you alertly rise in the morning as your alarm clock bursts into tunes of nuisance noises and irritating melodies. An entire day of your life has passed by, to be exact 86,400 seconds as you followed this routine. You might not have even thought about what you were doing or in the matter by which it was done. Although nothing particularly ‘interesting’ has happened, you've been blessed with another 86,400 seconds. Truth is, there are millions of people worldwide and untold stories of people who could only dream of being in your shoes.

          It was great being young, so naïve of the evils, struggles, and problems that continue to plague mankind. You see, as a child, I knew none of these factors because I was fortunate enough to grow in a good home. However, the more I grew, the less naïve I became. Turn on the news and watch the world around you, and begin to realize the blessed life you are now living, and live it appropriately.

          Violence in the Middle East has spread like a cancerous tumor. It has become this malignant, protruding mass of hostility. It has infected the minds of many, poisoned the hearts of others and has blinded all. It’s become this monstrous creature of animosity, slowly but steadily damaging anything in its path. The Middle East has claimed itself as a Christian free zone and under the ideologies of certain religious regimes; the Christian population has dwindled. Christians, churches, convents and monasteries are being burned to the ground and it’s been brutal. But no where do you see these Christians retaliating. Some might consider this unwise and even “stupid”, but the Christian faith teaches otherwise. It teaches us to open the door of persecution, walk through the fire of trial, never giving up the faith and believing that the will of God will prevail.

          I was born to a Christian family, in a Christian home and was taught to apply the teachings of Christ in my life. As I looked through the images of churches that have been destroyed and the many Christians in the Middle East that have been threatened, my heart sank. But I realized that my beautiful church has been unchanging, unwavering, rigid, and has withstood the test of time as well as numerous trials. She has kept the traditions from the time of the Apostles and has preserved them. You see, the Coptic Church remained very strict in its belief and unlike metal; it did not bend with the heat and conformities of the world. When I thought more about it, I realized that I didn't grow in the church; rather, the church grew in me. I saw it as my safe haven, my hiding place, and in it, I found comfort in distress. As I continued to view the images of burned churches, I no longer saw destruction, for the church that lives in me cannot be destroyed. 

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

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